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kamitonomojigatari / 紙とのもじがたり
Tokyo University of Arts - Fine Arts Museum

This series started with an obsession to create works entirely derived from trees. My printmaking work is focused on handmade paper as a primary medium. This artwork took seven years in the making.

In 2011, while I was living in Japan, a tsunami disaster hit the northern coast of Honshu. The response to the void was a communal wave of solace to those whose sense of loss felt insurmountable.

One single tree remained untouched, standing in the devastated city of Fukushima. That tree reasserted my will to devote my PhD research to pigment derivations using urushi and washi papermaking.

35 watermarked sheets
pure kozo washi paper
urushi lacquer
printed on 145 x 75 cm paper
edition 1/1
© Carla Salem
The dialogue happening in my mind in both Arabic and Japanese was being transferred thought by thought on 26 persimmon-dyed and 9 sized washi paper sheets. I used light and shadow to express ideas of cross-cultural silence. Natural light from the back shows what is printed on the verso of the paper as well as the hidden watermarks within. One had to visit at varied times of the day to experience the different artwork that revealed themselves as the light permeates. Just like sunlight completes the growth of the tree I used natural light to complete the meanings of what I intended to transfer to the viewer.